Thursday, June 17, 2010

Off to the Qibbuz!

We're off to Qibbuz (Kibbutz) Lotan, and I'm not sure what the internet status will be like. I will check back in with you as soon as possible!


  1. Becca, did you see/visit Ein Avdat? It's a spring...not very wide but quite wonderful non the less. I hadn't thought of it in YEARS but when you mentioned it it brought back a vivid memory of my late husband (14th generation Israeli) and I on one of our teaols (kind of a phonetic spelling -means trip or short trip or some such). Anyway, we had taken our dog, a chocolate lab with us and the doggy jumped into the stream. The banks were just about perfectly vertical and there was no way for the dog to climb out. I was in a state of panic but Yitzak (hubby) leaned WAY over and grabbed the dogs collar and heaved him onto dry land. I see it all in my head as I type. Life in Israel always offered adventures of one kind or another. I am loving your blog and look forward to it every day. Belinda
